Monday 3 October 2011

Kafka's "The Trial" now playing in Herefordshire

This letter from the office of our Deputy Chief Executive came through my letterbox, swiftly followed by this one.
They illustrate how he earns his six figure salary.

Another couple of 'investigations' and 'trials' of me are to take place & they are kind enough to tell me that these will take place entirely in secret. So far, no surprises: this is how the Council conducts all its business these days.

But here they've gone one further, or should I say two further.
Look at the letters. Nowhere do they say what these allegations against me actually are.
Nor do they say anywhere who has made the allegations (whatever they are) against me.

So I'm facing a secret trial which I can't attend, which will hear accusations about me which I'm not to be told about, made by people who are to remain entirely unknown to me.

"Publisher: These plots you're bringing to me are increasingly implausible, Mr Orwell. Get out of my office!"