Wednesday 16 March 2011

Did the Fees Office fund Tory takeover of Herefordshire Council?

Now, I don't see how Bill Wiggin can honestly or legally pay any public funds to Nth Herefordshire Conservative Assn, but the different amounts he gave them in different years are intriguing:

In 2006 he gave them £1,800.
In 2007 the donation soared to £5,000.
Then in 2008 the amount falls back to £800.

What on earth could have been so different about 2007?
It couldn't have been that there were County Council elections in May of that year and NHCA needed a warchest?

Five grand can buy a lot of leaflets, a lot of petrol for getting around such a huge County.

Did taxpayers' cash fund the Tory takeover of Herefordshire Council?