Saturday 18 June 2011

I'm more dangerous to Herefordshire's youth than the KKK - and I have that in writing.

Today the Council's explanation for why this Blog is banned in all their public libraries and hospitals came.
You'll see that I'm banned under 'point 8' of the 'public computer access agreement'. This actually states:
"Chat rooms are blocked and online gaming and gambling is not allowed".

I want the chatting, gaming and gambling on this Blog to stop! IMMEDIATELY!

From the explanation it's clear that the Council has stringent software which blocks all political blogs. So this morning I put that to the test.

There's a "short session" computer in Leominster library that logs you off after 15 mins.
In that time I accessed blogs - not just websites but BLOGS - by the following:
Conservativehome, the Labour Party, the BNP, the Anarchist Federation of Britain, Radical-Islam-blog, CND and the Ku Klux Klan.
Oh and one called "KerryKatonaAndMe/blog".

But not the blog for the elected representative of the Council the library is in...