Monday 12 September 2011

"I have nothing to declare but a prejudicial interest"

... and for most Herefordshire Councillors that means "Oh, nothing then!".

On July 7th a secret meeting of Town Council - held when they knew I was on hols in Scotland - voted to pass a complaint to the Standards Committee made against me by the Clerk and Deputy Clerk one day after I was elected (and when I was not even officially a councillor!)
I've heard nothing more about it - perhaps the Standards people were so embarrassed at its patent mendacity that they lost it down the back of a filing cabinet.

Regulars will know that the Mayor, in order to get the whole thing done before I got back to defend myself, forged Cllr Benson Ferrari's signature on the Report.

But surely the other three authors of this damning expose of my atrocious misdemeanours were entirely neutral unbiased sleuths?

Well, they all three got a few questions from me today.

And I've asked the Town Clerk to place the following questions on the Agenda for next Monday's full Council Meeting:
"Why have members of Council who serve on the Personnel Committee not declared serious prejudicial interests before sitting on an investigatory sub-committee?
And why did three members of Council present a Report to Council on July 7th without declaring serious prejudicial interests in the matters contained within that Report?"