Wednesday 7 September 2011

A Labour of hate

Since I was a naive innocent two years ago I've worked out a lot about how this dirty politics game works. But one thing still really baffles me.

Why is it the local Labour party who really, really hate what I'm trying to do in Herefordshire?

Yes, the local Tories constantly try to stop me - I'm trying to have their boss Bill Wiggin held to serious account after all. But with the Labour crew there isn't even any rationality...

I discovered that after two full Council meetings, the Town Clerk and Deputy Clerk repaired to a local pub for a chat with Bill W's close friends and Tory grandees  cllrs Roger Hunt and Brigadier Jones - so I brought this to the Council's attention and asked if it was ok under local govt rules.

At another of the secret meetings which they so dearly love every Labour cllr voted to refer this to the Standards Board as evidence of my "bullying and harassment".

One of those cllrs was Philippa Roberts who was the official Labour Hereford candidate at last year's General Election.

So it seems official Labour policy round here that if you ask perfectly legitimate questions about how senior Tories interact with the machinery of govt, it's bullying!