Tuesday 27 September 2011

Why the expenses scandal will never really "go away"

I caught a bit of Ed Milliband today. He's not my political cup of tea but I tend to like him as a bloke.
An old Oxford mate who took the Civil Service route has told me (off the record and all that) that Ed M. is the most decent politician he has worked for in Whitehall.
I don't know if Ed Milliband is definitely honest. I don't know that his expenses claims were morally decent.
Because the one thing that needed to happen - a full, public inquiry led by a judge into all the expenses claims by recent MPs - didn't happen.

My own MP Bill Wiggin, for example, owned a 5-storey house in Fulham, with an eye-watering mortage, when he was elected in 2001. He bought a second home in his constituency outright, then simply designated his Fulham home (which was and still remains his main family home) as his "second home" thus making you and me pay for that mortage to the tune of more than 100 grand and counting.

Lots of them did it. But Mr Wiggin is my MP so I went & looked at what he had done.

Today Ed Milliband promised to strike a "new bargain" with the British people.
I don't think he means it.
Because I don't think he cares about what the Bill Wigginses sitting around him in Parliament have done.