Tuesday 12 July 2011

Bill Wiggin's crackpot 'allegations'

Ok, I'm going to take these allegations by my MP Bill Wiggin - made against me under the Protection From Harrassment Act and served on me by West Mercia police force yesterday in a frightening, unannounced morning visit to my family home - one by one.
The allegations by Mr Wiggin that make any sense in the English language, that is.

1: I "claimed he has rigged public meetings".
About five thousand local folk have made the same claim, because about five thousand have seen this Hereford Times video on youtube.
This was the only meeting Mr Wiggin ever held to explain his false expenses. The meeting said "Open To All" but only a couple of minutes in you can hear Wiggin's bouncer - Brigadier Peter Jones - saying "I'm sorry I can't let you in unless you've been specifically invited by Bill".

2: I "accused him of attempting to block my election to the local council"
The Daily Telegraph's Jon Swaine is still waiting for Mr Wiggin to sue him over this entirely false story: 'Wiggin Steps In To Silence Candidate'.
It's been a long wait.

3. I "accused him on the internet of being corrupt"
Wait a tic - can someone check if we are on the internet? We are?
Ok: Bill Wiggin is corrupt. Next.

4: I "accused him of fraudulently avoiding Council Tax"
Be careful, Mr Wiggin. I accused you of fraudulently claiming council tax, in expenses, from the Fees Office.
Actually, it wasn't me, it was the Parliamentary Committee on Standards and Ethics in their 72-page Report on Bill Wiggin MP 2010
But you don't have to wade through that! Why not take Mr Wiggin's own word that he overclaimed council tax, something that normally acquires a criminal record?
You see, in order to get the Sunday Mirror to agree with the Press Complaints Commission that the 4 1/2 grand he paid back last October WASN'T for his phantom mortgage, he told the PCC that the repayment was for expenses and council tax.
Clever Mr Wiggin: catching himself bang to rights there.